Are you a gifted healer?

3. Become a master listener. This is the simplest (and in some ways also most difficult) way to live this gift marker. Becoming an interested listener is an art. Our minds race far faster than human speech and one needs to learn skills to keep one focused on what the other is really saying. Try to anticipate what they might be trying to say and then double check
if you were right or not. What is the hidden message behind what they are telling you? Is their body language, voice tone and speech congruent? Essentially what people need is to be heard, without feeling they are being judged. Paraphrase what they tell you asking, ‘if I hear you correctly, you said……’. Besides paraphrasing, try also to mirror the other person’s voice tone, vocabulary, speed of speech and body language. If you would like to develop counselling skills more fully, one way would be to study the techniques of Carl Rogers, the great humanistic psychologist of the 1980s. Most counselling courses these days are based on his ‘client-centred’ approach.’
(You can take a very inexpensive half-year on-line module in
‘person-centred’ counselling using these techniques through UNISA (University of South Africa online courses).)
Essentially, the skills are how to maintain continuous positive regard for another and still stay congruent with your own belief system.

4. Become more intimate with yourself. This is similar to points 1 and 3 above but refers more to your connection with source, the extra psychological insight that you have coming to you. Do you listen and act on inner guidance? Do you trust your intuition? Do you stay with your own truth irrespective of what others are saying?

5. Surrender. This is something most of us would rather avoid that own up to but it is central to being a gifted healer. Surrender has to do with aligning your will to the will of God/Source. Mostly we are terrified to lose control of our own lives because we fear lightening bolts, poverty, isolation and other impossible tests of faith related to previous experience.

What does this marker look like?
This is a series of parallel stripes below the pinkie (Mercury) finger
Earning your stripes
4 stripes means you are a gifted healer
6 stripes you need to make this gift central to your life, preferably your profession.
8 stripes or more – you are a healer of healers.
How do you know if you are using this gift enough?
How much is enough is very individual. Your most intimate relationship is your barometer. If you are experiencing blocked intimacy or partnership breakdown then perhaps it’s a sign that you need to rise up to your own possibilities and share your gift with the world.

You’re a healer and you don’t have these lines?
Don’t ever beat yourself up about what you do or don’t have in your hands. If you love someone deeply but you never write your beloved a love letter, does that mean there’s no love? Of course not.
Healing capacities show up in several different ways in your hands.

Here’s an example of ‘The gifted healer’ (also known as medical stigmata)
medical stigmata palm marker, gift markeings, hand analysis classes
are you a gifted healer, gift markers, gift markings,
Are you a gifted healer?



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