I Overheard My Future MIL Saying Disgusting Things about Me – She Didn’t Know She Would Regret It on Our Wedding Day

Just when I thought I’d heard enough and they couldn’t stoop any lower, it got even worse! My future MIL continued speaking ill of me, dropping a huge bombshell to her daughter about her crazy plan, saying:

“The silly girl doesn’t even suspect that she’ll NEVER become a mother to our future grandkid because I’m going to use Leo’s ex as an egg donor.”

A close-up of a woman's shocked face | Source: Pixabay

A close-up of a woman’s shocked face | Source: Pixabay

My jaw DROPPED! The ex she mentioned was Eve, the blonde model-looking woman that Leo dated for four years before me. He’d broken up with her after proposing when he found out she’d been cheating on him.

The infidelity happened with different men and throughout their relationship!

That was the person whose grandchildren Leo’s mother wanted!? The reason why they didn’t want my grandchildren was because my genes were “tainted” by my “fat and diabetic parents,” and weren’t good enough.

A happy middle-aged couple embracing while holding snow shovels | Source: Pexels

A happy middle-aged couple embracing while holding snow shovels | Source: Pexels

I mean, I understood that I was nothing like Eve. I was short, and a bit chubby, and I spoke my mind when forced to, but I didn’t deserve to be trashed like that!

That evening when Leo and I were alone, I played back the recording. The hurt was clear in his eyes as he listened to his mother’s unfiltered opinions.

At first, he tried to downplay it, suggesting they were venting. But the reality of their betrayal sank in as he continued to listen.

A woman looks at the camera while her man lies back contemplating something | Source: Pexels

A woman looks at the camera while her man lies back contemplating something | Source: Pexels

He confronted his mother the next day, demanding she apologize, but she refused. The woman was adamant that there was nothing wrong with her behavior! Leo, torn between his family and me, devised a plan.

“Let’s show everyone her true colors,” he said, his resolve hardening. My future MIL didn’t even suspect she would regret what she said on our wedding day as my fiancé and I made our plans.

A happy couple sitting in their bedroom | Source: Pexels

A happy couple sitting in their bedroom | Source: Pexels

The wedding day arrived with tension simmering beneath the surface of every smile and congratulations. Leo’s mother delivered her toast, her voice dripping with fake affection and well-wishes.

As the applause died down, Leo stood and nodded at me. My heart pounding, I hit play on the speaker system. The venomous words filled the room, each syllable a sharp contrast to the loving speech she had just given.

We had decided that after his mother’s “sweet” toast at our wedding, we would play the recording of her talking to my SIL in our apartment for all to hear.

A woman reacting in shock | Source: Freepik

A woman reacting in shock | Source: Freepik

The room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop as the reality of her duplicity settled over the crowd. Leo’s mother, her face a mask of horror and embarrassment, stood frozen in her seat.

Then, as the recording ended, she walked out, her exit a walk of shame under the stunned gazes of family and friends. My SIL also darted her eyes around at everyone before following suit!

Leo, a supportive and loving new husband, squeezed my hand, his eyes apologetic, and yet fierce. “I’m sorry you had to endure that,” he whispered. “But I hope now we can start fresh, without secrets or lies.”

A couple dancing on their wedding day | Source: Pexels

A couple dancing on their wedding day | Source: Pexels

As the wedding continued, the atmosphere lightened. People approached us, offering words of support and expressing their shock. Leo and I realized that this ordeal, as painful as it was, might have purged the venom that threatened our future together.



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