If You See a Purple Fence Post, You Need to Know What It Means

The paint on the post fades over time

There is indeed a very clear meaning hidden behind this color, but little known to the general public. Anyone who comes across this type of marker has only one thing to do: turn back.

. It may happen that over time these marks on the posts are less visible than they were originally, but the meaning remains the same. It is a law that dates back to 1987, which allowed Arkansas property owners to use purple paint to mark their property and thus indicate that it was forbidden to enter without authorization.

Montana and Idaho choose orange

This law has since been emulated and there are now nearly 22 states across the United States of America that have adopted this signage. However, purple has not necessarily been unanimous in Uncle Sam’s country . Some have opted for another color. For example, Montana and Idaho have decided that poles must be painted orange. The owners of these two states have therefore had to adapt, but the basic idea remains the same.

Panels with the original post

Initially, states had required landowners to use purple paint, but also signage. However, faced with the discontent of having to install this type of instrument, it was finally only a question of purple paint to demarcate one’s property. It is therefore important to indicate to people living in the 28 states not affected by this law, the meaning of the purple posts, so that they can be warned if one day, they were to come across one.

A strict law regarding the mark on the pole

The law is however quite strict regarding this type of marking. The trace of purple paint must be at a height between 91 cm and 1.5 m from the ground and must imperatively measure at least 80 cm long and 1 m wide. The marks between them must not be spaced more than 100 m apart so that a walker is sure to be able to come across one on his way and thus be able to identify them. After reading this text, you will not be able to say that you were not aware and as the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed.



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