The Shocking Truth About Under-Eye Bags and Dark Circles: The Most Dangerous Causes! (Did You Know That?)

6.  Anemia

Anemia, particularly iron-deficiency anemia, is a common but serious cause of dark circles. When you’re anemic, your body doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your tissues, leading to a pale complexion and dark circles under the eyes. Other symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath. If you suspect anemia, a simple blood test can confirm it, and dietary changes or supplements can help.

7.  Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition where a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep, leading to poor-quality rest. People with sleep apnea often wake up with dark circles and bags under their eyes due to the lack of oxygen and improved sleep patterns. If you snore loudly or wake up feeling tired even after a full night’s rest, consider consulting a doctor to rule out sleep apnea.

Other Causes of Under-Eye Bags and Dark Circles:

  • Aging : As we age, the skin around the eyes becomes thinner, and fat can shift, creating a more prominent appearance of bags and circles.
  • Dehydration : Lack of proper hydration can cause the skin under your eyes to look dull and dark, as well as increase puffiness.
  • Poor Diet : Diets high in salt or processed foods can lead to water retention and swelling around the eyes.
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