Woman Helps to Deliver Neighbor’s Baby, Discovers Her Husband Is the Father — Story of the Day

“Not that I intend to have this baby anywhere but a hospital with lots of painkillers!” Erica said. “But it’s good to be prepared!”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

And it was a good thing too because one afternoon Erica phoned Sarah gasping. “Sarah, I think it’s time!” she cried. Sarah rushed over immediately and was shocked to find her friend in a pool of liquid.

“Your water has broken!” Sarah cried. “I’m calling the hospital.”

The hospital advised her that it would be at least half an hour if not more before the ambulance could be with them, so Sarah made Erica as comfortable as possible.

She noticed that Erica’s contractions were closer and closer together… She peeked and saw to her horror that the baby’s head was crowning! “Erica,” she cried, “the baby’s coming!”

“He can’t!” Erica screamed, clutching at her belly. “It’s supposed to take hours!”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“Well,” Sarah said. “Ready or not, he’s on his way!” And she ran to get hot water, a warm blanket, scissors, and some cord. Kneeling by Erica’s spread knees, Sarah encouraged her to push.

Sarah watched breathlessly as the baby emerged from Erica’s straining body. She tenderly caught it and laid it on the soft blanket while she tied off and cut the umbilical cord — just like they had taught her at the natural childbirth class.

Then Sarah picked up the baby. “It’s a boy!” she cried to the exhausted Erica. “A beautiful, perfect baby boy!” Sarah started wiping the baby down gently, and she discovered that the baby wasn’t quite perfect.

On the side of his neck was a small hard bump, a familiar bump. A ‘lucky bump.’ Looking down at the tiny innocent creature in her hands Sarah suddenly understood it all.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

“Lester…” she whispered. “Lester was right, wasn’t he, Erica? You were having an affair and it was with my husband.”

Erica gasped and tried to sit up. “Oh no, Sarah, never…”



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