Are you a gifted healer?

If you have four or more parallel lines under your pinkie finger, running towards your pinkie (little finger), you are what is known as a “gifted healer”.

You can see that this looks like here. Also scroll to bottom of the post for a hand print example.)
medical stigmata, gifted healer marker

Essentially, this is the mark of the personal growth consultant. It indicates psychological insight.  How this is expressed depends on other factors in your personality.

If you have this marker it means you have the capacity to make a space for others to heal themselves. Like a catalyst, just your presence enables others to transform.

Perhaps you do this with touch, or energy work or simply by listening (being present) or by offering wisdom (when asked!). For example, someone with a very Earth hand and Earth heart line (non expressive) might take a friend fishing for the day. No word is said the whole day but at the end of the day, the friend turns and says, ‘Thank you so much. You really helped me today!’

“Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure.”

― Henri J.M. Nouwen, the wounded healer

So, perhaps you heal by helping another person become more grounded. You help to ‘Earth’ the other because you yourself are so earthed. Naturally, if you have a Fire hand and an expressive Water (big heart) heart line, you’ll be expressing this gift in a completely different way.

BTW, it’s not your task to fix or heal anyone. You are simply the facilitator of this process in others. As soon as we try to ‘fix’ anyone we do the opposite as we are judging the other person as un-whole. Rightly so, this causes disconnection and even distrust or anger.

How to hone your skills:
1. Fully acknowledge and accept yourself. The more you comfortable you are in your own skin, the more willing and able you are to accept others ‘warts and all’ (unconditionally). The less internal contradictions you have the less threatened you will be by other people’s experiences and behaviour.
2. Know what your own values are. If you know what is important to you, you become less dependent on others for praise and evaluation. You also become less likely to have your boundaries violated or to do the same to others (eg. trying to fix them). Helping others become conscious of their values is a powerful way to help them strengthen boundaries, heal and set meaningful goals. You can only do this if you have already made the journey



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