I Overheard My Future MIL Saying Disgusting Things about Me – She Didn’t Know She Would Regret It on Our Wedding Day

I thought my future mother-in-law was loving and supportive of my union with her son. But she detested me and had been pretending from the day we met! My tale is of deceit, lies, and ultimately revenge! With my new husband’s support, we put her in her place!

A woman seen through the crack of an open door | Source: Freepik

A woman seen through the crack of an open door | Source: Freepik

I, Joana, 34, was looking forward to finally marrying the man of my dreams, my fiancé Leo, 35. But I didn’t expect that his family would try to come between us.

Here’s some background before I get into how we got here. Leo and I have been together for two blissful years. We are finally getting ready for our big day, which is coming soon. But what I didn’t expect was to overhear my fiancé’s family making ulterior plans against me.

A woman lying in bed reading a book | Source: Pexels

A woman lying in bed reading a book | Source: Pexels

So this is what happened. I woke up the other day feeling unwell and decided to call in sick to work. The plan was for me to just stay home nursing myself back to health. Since Leo had already left the apartment for his job, I decided to text him, saying:

“Hi babe, I hope you’re having a good morning. I woke up feeling under the weather and decided to stay home for the day. I already called in sick, so please bring me lunch if you can. I love you!”

I remember the day clearly. Leo surprised me by arriving at our apartment during his lunch break! I thought he’d read my message and had actually brought me some food.

A woman texting on her phone while lying in bed | Source: Pexels

A woman texting on her phone while lying in bed | Source: Pexels

In my excitement, I was about to go out of the bedroom to hug him and thank him for coming to check on me when I heard other voices.

My fiancé had come over with my future mother-in-law (MIL) and sister-in-law (SIL). From the conversation they were having, it seemed they’d come over to pick something up from our apartment during Leo’s lunch break. He was helping his sister move.

Yet, Leo didn’t look for me when he arrived, which made me realize he hadn’t read my text. So he didn’t know I was home. “You guys wait here, let me go and throw this trash out, and then we can go,” he said as he emptied the bin and went outside.

A man outside holding a trash bag | Source: Freepik

A man outside holding a trash bag | Source: Freepik

The moment he went out the door, his mother and sister began trashing me! They were mocking everything from my kitchen decor to my personal style! “Who chooses such colors for a kitchen,” my future SIL laughed as I listened.

“Never mind the kitchen, what about the way she looks?” my future MIL added laughing at me too. “She’s not a good fit for Leo,” she commented, continuing to say disgusting and quite hurtful things about me.

An older woman laughing and conversing with a younger one | Source: Freepik

An older woman laughing and conversing with a younger one | Source: Freepik

Lying in bed I seethed with a mixture of shock and anger! I couldn’t believe the disdain they harbored for me. Quietly, I reached for the old dictaphone on my nightstand and pressed record because my phone was flat. Every harsh word, every cruel laugh captured, unbeknownst to them.

I was SO hurt! I didn’t know that they felt this way about me. Every time we conversed or I was around them, they were kind and supportive. They’d even offered to help with the wedding planning, for goodness sake!

A photo of an old dictaphone | Source: Pixabay

A photo of an old dictaphone | Source: Pixabay

Just when I thought I’d heard enough and they couldn’t stoop any lower, it got even worse! My future MIL continued speaking ill of me, dropping a huge bombshell to her daughter about her crazy plan, saying:



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